Keep your workplace healthy by eliminating workplace bullying and other forms of workplace violence
The majority of our lives are spent in the workplace. A safe workplace nurtures respect, creativity, allegiance, commitment and productivity. An unsafe workplace place builds distrust, fear, conflict and limited productivity.
In Canada, a survey of people’s reported experiences of violence showed:1
- 17% occurred in the workplace and included sexual assault, robbery and/or physical assault
- 38% of violent incidents were allegedly perpetrated by a current or former co-worker, or other work-related contacts including patients, clients or customers.
- People who were targeted by workplace bullying reported several emotional impacts, including feeling angry (21%); upset, confused or frustrated (20%); and afraid (15%).
Workplace violence does not only happen on-site; it can also occur at:
- Off-site business-related functions such as trade shows, conferences, or large meetings
- Work-related social events such as holiday gatherings or team-building activities
- Home—such as clients’ homes or even your own home (e.g., receiving a threatening phone call from a former co-worker).
To keep our workplaces free of violence, both employers and personnel have key roles to play.
Further info:
Download Preventing workplace violence—Information for PERSONNEL
Download Preventing workplace violence—Information for EMPLOYERS
Download information on Ten Steps to Creating Safe Environments, a 3-hour online educational program that offers organizations concrete action steps to reduce the risk of violence and increase protection.
Download information on Respect in the Workplace, a 90-minute online educational program empowering all employees to understand, recognize and deal with harmful workplace behaviours.
Violence Prevention in the Work Place (from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada/Labour)
Violence in the Workplace (from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety)
1Statistics Canada, 2009, General social survey on victimization, 2009,